Fellowship of the Ring – Set 2~ Gimli, Boromir, Merry and Pippin
Among the nine are representatives from all the free peoples. Gimli, Son of Gloin speaks for the Dwarves. His broad bladed axe and Dwarven indomitability alongside the swordsmanship and valour of the mighty warrior Boromir present a doughty force with which to contend for any who would assail the Fellowship as they travel.
Boromir is the son of the Steward of Gondor and heir to the seat of governance of the once great realm of men, now dwindling as decay and despair descends upon its people.
Young Merry and Pippin have no special battle prowess, though hobbits possess surprisingly strong throwing arms, but their heart and loyalty to the ring bearer Frodo are matched only by their appetites.
This is the second in a series of three sets, which together make up the entire Fellowship of the Ring.
Set 2 size
13.0 x 19.0x 13.0cm (5.1” x 7.5” x 5.1”)
Fellowship of the Ring – Set 3~ Aragorn and Sam.
Aragorn is the company’s ranger, a tall, sinewy man of the North, part of a dwindling order who protect the wild country of ancient Arnor and take council with Wizards and Elves. Though he seems no more than a simple sword of the woods, Aragorn bears royal blood, being the last of the ancient line of kings of men who once held dominion over most of the West and by whose valour the dark forces were held at bay. Samwise Gamgee, ring bearer Frodo’s gardener and friend through the darkest of challenges, leads the Fellowship’s tenth member, Bill the pack pony. Sam and Bill share a quiet fortitude and simple manner, lacking in graces but boundless in steadfastness.
These three Sets have been created in response to ongoing collector requests for a diorama of the full Fellowship on their trek across Middle-earth. They have been sculpted at miniature scale (for those with limited shelf space) and are ideally suited to display alongside our iconic The Lord of the Rings environments like Rivendell and Bag End.
This is the third in a series of three sets, which together make up the entire Fellowship of the Ring..
The Fellowship of the Ring has been sculpted, moulded, modelled and painted by a wide team of artists from the world famous and award winning Weta Workshop who helped create the Trilogy.
Set 3 size
14.0 x 19.0x 13.0cm (5.5” x 7.5” x 5.1”) is an approved Weta stockist.
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